5 Small Ways to Make BIG Impacts the World

5 Small Ways to Make BIG Impacts the World

Many of us are looking to make our mark on the world. As a high school student, you are probably searching for your purpose and the direction you want to take in life. 

Finding your specialty and your place will take time but making an impact can start today. 


Do you have a few hours a month to donate your time to a local organization in your community? The chances are you do. 

Do some research on what causes you want to support. Unfortunately it’s impossible to support them all (especially as a high school student). Consider the problems in your community you feel passionate about. 

Maybe you love animals and want to volunteer walking dogs at a local animal shelter. Maybe you have a knack for singing and could go to a local senior center and sing to the residents. Get creative on how you can support and volunteer your time in your community! You definitely have something to contribute. 


Once you turn 18, engaging in local (state) and national (federal) politics is extremely important. Can politics be frustrating and draining? Sometimes yes however it is our responsibility as citizens to engage in policy changes and the changing of offices. Elections and voting is more than just for the president. A voting ballot covers many different topics and people running for office. 

Begin researching what kind of policies you want to support. Register to vote and begin engaging in local and national elections. 



Stay up to date on local, national, and international news. What is happening in the world? Read a variety of news sources that offer different perspectives. 


Reading books written by people of all walks of life will introduce you to the stories of people who have experienced a life different from yours. Fiction or nonfiction, you can learn so much about our world through reading. 

Engage Locally

Community Engagement is…the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic proximity, special interest, or similar situations to address issues affecting the well-being of those people It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about environmental and behavioral changes that will improve the health of the community and its members It often involves partnerships and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems, change relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices (CDC, 1997).

Make your community a better place! Get involved by volunteering, voting, paying attention to local news, and supporting local businesses. 


There is a great big world out there with all kinds of people that grew up in different walks of life than you. Educate yourself on different cultures and learn from people that are different from you. 

Global learning experiences prepare students to engage the larger world with greater confidence, thoughtfulness, and empathy (Primary Source: Educating Global Citizens).

If you are here reading this, then we have no doubt you are wanting to make a difference in the world. Continue your desire to learn and you will continue to make a difference in the world.