8 Traits of a Strong Leader

8 Traits of a Strong Leader

Being a leader is something anyone can learn. While some people seem that they are born with an innate leadership ability, it does not mean that this is something that can’t be learned. Here are just a few qualities that strong leaders exemplify. Read through them but don’t stop there, keep digging into it further to see how you can develop these skills. 

Strong communication skills

This doesn’t just mean talking. It means clearly articulating thoughts and expectations to those you are leading. Strong communication skills also mean strong listening skills. A good leader listens to their team’s needs and concerns. If there is an issue, they are able to have a productive conversation and come to a resolution. 


It is important to hold yourself responsible to get the work done. In order to lead others, you must first lead yourself. Strong leaders set goals for themselves and strive to achieve them. They have strong time management skills and diligence to follow through on their work. 

Personal accountability

It is not always about being right. No one is perfect and will make mistakes. It is important to own up to your mistakes with transparency and humbleness to your team or the people you are leading. Leading by example will encourage your team to do the same thing. 

Encouraging innovation and creativity from others around you 

It is amazing what we can learn from others. As a leader it is your job to inspire your team to share their ideas and cultivate an atmosphere of acceptance and an environment that encourages innovation. A way to foster this is to ask your team for ideas and put their ideas into action. 

Empathy: “The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”

Empathy for your team is necessary to be a strong leader. Understanding the feelings of those on your team or in the workplace is essential. Oftentimes empathy gets mixed up with sympathy, “feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.” Empathy is more than feeling sorry for someone but putting yourself in their shoes. This will help you understand their words or actions and how to respond effectively.

Shares credit and affirms those on their team 

A strong leader knows that success would not be possible without those on their team. They build their team members up and acknowledge them for their work and credit them for their successes. This allows your team members to feel valued and that they are contributing to the overall success to the business. 

Serves others not just themselves

If a leader is only in their position for personal gain, they will rarely get far. Their teammates will see that their intentions are not sincere and will not respect them. It is important to lead businesses and initiatives that you are passionate about. A good business solves a problem that results in serving their customer. Strong leaders not only strive to serve their customers but also serve their employees best interest as well.  

The ability to be flexible and to pivot in unforeseen circumstances 

Crisis does not derail a strong leader. They will step up with a calm and decisive attitude and work hard to resolve an issue. Business is constantly pivoting and changing. A good leader is adaptable to change and always has a plan b and c prepared when things need to change. 

Now go lead!

Leadership skills do not evolve over night. They take practice and intention. Don’t forget to never stop learning and reading. No go and do!