Teacher Tips

Advisor Corner: The Domino Effect of Brainstorming

Advisor Corner: The Domino Effect of Brainstorming

Hello fellow advisors, As we begin the new semester here in Washington state, a moment to reflect has always brought great conversation amongst students and specifically the teams that run the Student Based Enterprise teams. Here in Tumwater, we have three teams that have rotated responsibilities managing the Spirit Box vending machine and working through logistics to open a walk-up student store.

Advisor Corner: Myths and Facts of CTE Education

This article from the ‘Advance CTE’ website has been a great starting point for me as I begin to review all of my classes. The insight from this article provides the facts that support my ‘why’. This data not only supports the variety of pathways that we offer students, but gives income opportunities for a few select post-secondary careers. One specific bullet from the article;

Spirit Box Academy Curriculum Overview: September Advisor Roundtable Recap

Spirit Box Academy Curriculum Overview: September Advisor Roundtable Recap

Here is what you missed in our September Advisor Roundtable. This video outlines a detailed overview of Spirit Box Academy. We walk through each unit and go in depth on a lesson.

Our next Advisor Roundtable is on October 21st at 3:30pm central time. Our next session will cover Spirit Box Certification and end with a Q&A session. We hope to see you there!